Super Canva Pro Bin Ultimate – Updated

Canva Pro Bin Ultimate Updated

Super Canva Pro Ultimate Bin is extremely recommended for you if you create things like social media graphics, presentations, and business cards. It has saved them time, money, and allowed them to create graphics that look professional without needing to learn the expensive desktop design tools,

Canva Pro will also appeal to professional designers and brand managers, who can provide a greater level of control over an organization’s brand, by setting up their brand assets and custom templates in Canva.

What is Canva Pro?

Canva Pro is the premium plan of Canva that comes with additional features including unlimited storage for photos and assets. You can upload your own images and access millions of photos starting at $1 each. You’ll also get exclusive access to 400,000 free photos, illustrations, and templates.

Features of Canva Pro Account

With a Canva Pro account, you can exclusively access these features:

  • Brand Kit management
  • Magic Resize
  • Design and Photo folders
  • Download designs with transparent backgrounds
  • Canva Animator
  • Free content exclusive to subscribers

What is Super Canva Pro Ultimate Bin?

Yes, yes & yes! Super Canva Pro Ultimate Bin is without a doubt worth every penny and more. Access to premium templates, images & design assets is a bargain in itself… … but all these advanced features like folders, unlimited storage, team capabilities, and the ability to resize your designs to new dimensions in one click?!

Why Upgrade to Pro?

  • Unlimited folders for your designs
  • Team functionalities
  • Unlimited storage for photos and assets
  • Upload your own images
  • Access millions of photos  – included in your Canva Pro membership
  • Exclusive access to 400,000 free photos, illustrations, and templates
  • Magically resize your designs
  • Upload custom fonts for your brand
  • Set color palettes for your brand
  • Save templates for you and your team
  • Organize your photos with folders
  • Easily find your designs with search
  • Resize designs into custom dimensions
  • Download designs with transparent background
  • Export designs as animated GIFs
  • Priority support


  • A working Bin
  • Your Own –> No VPN Required
  • Carding experience
  • Good internet connection
  • Good internet Browser
  • Patience

New Super Canva Pro Ultimate Bin List

If you don’t want to see the payment error or OTP nagging, then use the recommended Bin. It is regularly updated.

Recommended Bin (Tested & Working)

  • 💳 Bin : 524273xxxxxxxxxx
  • 🌵| BIN: 518414xxxxxxxxxx
  • 🔥| FECHA: rnd
  • 🔥| CVV: rnd
  • 🔥|| IP USA 🇺🇸
  • 🔥|ZipCode: 10080


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