
WhatsApp users can read deleted messages with a simple trick

The introduction of WhatsApp’s « delete message » feature has truly been a game-changer for those mortifying moments when you say something you shouldn’t have said.

This feature is arguably one of the app’s most popular, as it allows you to delete a message you’ve sent to the wrong person and, more generally, erase your mistakes. But did you know that there is a way to recover deleted messages?

If you thought your misstep had been permanently erased, you’re out of luck. There is a surprisingly easy way to get them back on Apple and Android phones.

The deleted message is stored on your phone and can be found using WhatsApp’s backup feature. The tool backs up all your messages, and users can choose when their messages are backed up (daily, weekly, or monthly) or choose not to back them up.

To read a deleted message, you must therefore uninstall WhatsApp and then install it again. Once you log back in, the app gives you the option to restore chats from backup.

These chats will include your deleted messages.

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